The human voice is one of the most powerful instruments in existence. It’s also one of the most fragile. If you’re a singer or musician, then you understand how delicate your instrument can be and what it takes to maintain its health and tone. To protect your vocal chords from strain and fatigue, we recommend singing these five songs from an “unnamed voice teacher” from Australia. Pokiez Casino has been associated with an online casino since the owner of the website has rolled the platform. His voice is a teacher however. Nobody sings like Dan because nobody had a live vocal expert training daily from childhood to adulthood. 

We’ll start off by listing the songs of his choice. These songs are great for warming up and practicing technique. You can listen to them on Spotify, Apple Music or Google Play. You can find them on YouTube or other streaming services if you prefer vinyl, cassette or CD format.

Pump Up the Jam (technique)

This song is a great example of how to use the technique. The first two verses are rhythmically simple, but the third verse is where things really get tricky. In this section, you’ll need to work on your breath control and accuracy if you want to keep up with Pumped Up Kicks’s fast tempo — and don’t worry about getting it exactly right; just make sure that you’re hitting each note in its place.

In addition to working on your vocal technique with Pumped Up Kicks, try incorporating some other techniques from this list into your routine as well.

Can You Feel The Love Tonight? (warm-up)

Can You Feel The Love Tonight? It is a great song to use as a warm-up before singing. It has all the elements of a great warm-up: it’s very repetitive, so you can concentrate on your technique; it features solos and duets (you’ll want to practice breathing while singing), which will help you to get used to different ranges; and it has some dynamics in it, meaning that there will be some quiet parts that allow you to focus on tone control. 

And finally, if you have trouble with any aspect of singing this song — pronunciation or breathing or tone quality — it can still serve as a good example of how someone else handled these things in their performances.

He Is The Light (technique)

Vocal technique is the way you use your voice. It’s how you express yourself in song and performance, whether it’s singing or speaking. Good vocal technique means having good control of your breath, air speed, tone quality and resonance. Some of the benefits include:

  • Being able to hit high notes with ease without straining or gasping for air (or at least not too much).
  • Having a strong sense of where the note needs to be on pitch when you sing; if there’s any wobble in this area then it can cause problems later down the line when performing live.
  • Having no issues holding an octave during long periods singing at once.

I Love You (vocabulary)

The letter “B” is a great one to start with. It’s easy to say and sounds good, so you can even try it out as an exercise in front of the mirror.

The next letter we’re going to use is “G.” In this case, however, it’s not so much about where we put our tongue — it’s more about how we pronounce it.

You’re the One That I Want (vocabulary)

This song is great for improving your vocabulary. The chord changes and melody are easy to remember, so you’ll automatically be learning new words every time you sing it! 

  • Singing technique: This song requires some attention to tone, breathing, and vibrato — but it’s a fun challenge that will help to improve your voice in other ways as well! 
  • Harmony: The melody line has a lot of harmony in it; if you’re not up for singing out of key at first then try singing the chords separately first before trying them together again later on when you’re ready. 
  • Melody: The lyrics alone are not enough to keep everyone captivated by this song; melody plays such an important role in keeping listeners engaged with what they’re hearing (or reading). 
  • Rhythm: In order for listeners’ mindsets about music to change over time and especially within our society today where technology plays such an important role it takes more than just having good songs written down on paper.

It’s My Life (warm-up)

This song is a great way to start your vocal warm-up routine. It’s a fun song, and also has some simple lyrics that are easy to learn. You can use this as a warm-up or practice technique by singing along with the melody, or you can use it as an opportunity for you to learn vocabulary words for yourself.


If you are looking for a great way to warm up, practice technique, and get ready for your next performance, these songs are perfect. They will help you to develop your voice and have fun doing so.